Our purpose

Leadership as a force for good. Creating a more caring, equitable and sustainable world.

Complexity. Volatility. Ambiguity. We face unprecedented challenges today. But we have the potential – individually and collectively, locally and globally – to use leadership as a force for good. We just need to liberate it.

Evolving leaders for a changing world.

In the increasingly complex and interconnected 21st-century, the legacy of 20th-century leadership development is failing us. All of us. To thrive, not just survive, we need adaptive leaders, not merely competent managers.

At BlueHelix, we’re liberating this unrealised potential by expanding conscious and compassionate leadership capacity through maturing adaptive capacities as well as technical leadership competencies.

Instead of what leaders do, we need to focus on how leaders think and feel.

Putting adult development theory into practice.

All our individual and collective diagnostics and holistic leadership programs are informed by adult development theory and the proven science of how we continue to learn, develop and evolve as adults.

It’s an approach to leadership development that nurtures empowering cultures – creative, soulful organisations that focus on people, purpose and planet where profitability is the inevitable by-product.

 Our approach

As committed practitioners we draw upon the latest leadership research and frameworks, supported by our rich and diverse industry experience.

Where do we start? At the end.

By understanding and defining your Aspirational Purpose. By creating a clear picture of the kind of leadership culture and organisation you want to create. By understanding your current organisational context and leadership capabilities. Then we build it, one leader at a time.

We don’t instantly have all the answers. But together, we’ll emerge them, customising our programs to take you and your leaders on a unique learning and cultural evolution journey.

“No organisation can organise at a higher stage of development than the consciousness of its leadership.”

– Robert J. Anderson and William A. Adams

Elevating leadership capacity and culture. One evolving leader and leadership team at a time.

Find out how to thrive in uncertainty and transcend complexity.

Nurture your leaders’ capacity for conscious, creative leadership. Create a culture that unlocks human potential, sustainably and compassionately.