Leadership development
and coaching

Our customised programs focus on how leaders think, feel and continuously evolve as leaders (the how of leadership maturity) as well as what they do (traditional competency-based leadership development).


Adaptive leaders, not just proficient managers.

Based on adult developmental theory (how we grow as adults), our programs expand the capacity for adaptive, conscious leadership, enabling leaders to understand and liberate unrealised potential. In themselves. In others.

  • Build an agile, daring, resilient organisation, rather than one shackled by dated management thinking.

  • Develop conscious leaders with the maturity of heart, complexity of mind and skilful practice to thrive in our ambiguous, uncertain world.

  • Nurture creative, strategic leaders who can initiate and lead ongoing system-wide transformation.

  • Create a collaborative, supportive, progressive culture built on mutual respect and a deeper understanding of self and others.

“When we experience the world as ‘too complex’ we are not just experiencing the complexity of the world. We are experiencing a mismatch between the world’s complexity and our own at this moment. There are only two logical ways to mend this mismatch — reduce the world’s complexity or increase our own.”

– Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey, Immunity to Change


How our programs work.

  • 1. Discover.

    First, we’ll engage in deep dialogue to uncover your WHY – your Aspirational Purpose.

  • 2. Diagnose.

    Next, we’ll use individual and collective diagnostics and assessments to establish a holistic baseline.

  • 3. Design.

    We’ll work with you to co-create a custom leadership development and personalised coaching program.

  • 4. Deliver.

    Our consultants and accredited coaches will then facilitate your program, maturing the leadership within your organisation, evolving leadership capacity and achieving tangible business outcomes.

Individually. Collectively. Sustainably.


Our programs have a strong focus on the engagement and transformation of individual leaders. But our balanced approach also focuses on your organisation’s collective capability, leadership culture and strategy.

The result is a holistic view of leadership within your organisation and an integrative program that develops synergistic leaders and nurtures self-sustaining systemic transformation (or ongoing organisational evolution).

Inspire, enable and transform your leaders.

Discover how our tailored, holistic approach to developing and coaching your leaders will create a more adaptive, resilient, high-performing culture.